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Scientific partners

Within the CD-laboratory, we cooperate with the following researchers and institutions:

Juan-José Salazar-González - Associated Professor at D.E.I.O.C. (Departamento de Estadística, Investigación Operativa y Computación), Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad de La Laguna. He is an internationally renowned expert in developing exact solution techniques.

Daniele Vigo - D.E.I.S. (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica ), Università di Bologna. Daniele Vigo's scientific and research activities have been mainly devoted to the design and analysis of models and algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, like the VRP and its variants, arc routing problems, the traveling salesman problem and its variants, and so on. He also has conducted research in the areas of passenger transportation, and the challenges of transport for the handicapped persons.

Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Professor of Operations Research, Transportation, and Logistics, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Logistics Management at the School of Business Administration of the Université du Québec à Montréal and Director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory (CIRRELT). His research interests are in network and combinatorial optimization, meta-heuristics, and parallel computation. He is also an expert on intermodal transportation.

Effizienz Cluster Logistics Ruhr, which is an association of leading German companies, renowned researchers and research institutions that focus on application-oriented topics. Details on the cooperation (research areas) will be clarified at a meeting in October with the chairman of the scientific committee of the Effizienz Cluster Logistics Ruhr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen.

Production and Operations Management with International Focus
Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
University of Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
A-1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-379 52
F: +43-1-4277-837952
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0